Chicken Grit Farms


Agricultural ServicesFarms and Orchards

About Us

Regenerative, biodiverse Pastured Small Flock Poultry, Peach & services Farm in Palisade, CO.


  • pasture raised heritage breed broilers
  • pasture raised heritage breed egg layers
  • heritage cultivar peaches
  • regenerative and biodiverse farming systems
  • cover crops, conservation crops, trap crops, pollinator crops


Chicken Grit Farms Penny Logo
Regenerate or Die Artwork White on Black
blended batch of broilers in the brooder
New Hampshire Reds enjoying a Palisade sunset
New Hampshire Reds creepin' on their stoops
Deploying a new chicken tractor
adaptive multi-paddock grazing for chickens... in orchards
Afghani halal processing
set up the no-till drill with some conservation crop seed
chicken tractors against a pastel sky